Zinc Aluminium Tank Manufacturer
Purchase Premium and High Quality Zinc Aluminium Tank for your business. Prairie Partners is India’s No1 Manufacturers and Suppliers of Zinc Aluminium Tank in Affordable Prices. We use Quality raw Material to manufacture Aluminium Tank.
Zinc Aluminium Tanks are mainly used for Storing Water, Oil and Other substances. They are used in top Industries like agriculture, industry, and commerce. Zinc aluminum tanks are resistant to corrosion and rust, and can withstand harsh weather conditions. The zinc layer in the alloy acts as a barrier that protects the aluminum from further corrosion.
Advantages of Zinc Aluminium Tank
Zinc aluminum tanks are resistant to corrosion and rust, and can withstand harsh weather conditions. The zinc layer in the alloy acts as a barrier that protects the aluminum from further corrosion.
- Corrosion resistance: Zinc-based alloys are highly resistant to corrosion in a variety of environments.
- Weather resistance: Zinc aluminum tanks can withstand harsh weather conditions.
- Structural integrity: The aluminum in the alloy adds a protective oxide layer that prevents further degradation.
- Moisture resistance: Zincalume steel tanks have moisture resistance and anti-fungal properties.
- Heat resistance: Zincalume steel tanks can withstand heat.
Working Principle of Zinc Aluminium Tank
Zinc aluminum tanks, also known as Zincalume tanks, are made of steel sheets coated with zinc and aluminum. The coating protects the steel from corrosion and cracking.
How it works
- The aluminum in the coating acts as a barrier that protects the steel.
- The zinc acts as a sacrificial edge guard that protects the steel.
- The coating is applied using a continuous hot-dipped metallic coating process.
- The coating is made of 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc, and 1.5% silicon.
- The coating is applied equally on both surfaces of the steel sheet.
- The metal surface is also coated with a special passivation solution and resin.